Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy
Handling time depends on the items in your order. Please see below for details. Transit time is generally between 2-6 business days domestically within the USA. We are unable to guarantee shipping times that are estimated by shipping providers.

In-Stock Items
Orders will typically be shipped within one to two business days and are typically not shipped on Saturdays, Sundays and United States Federal Holidays.

Pre-Order Items
Pre-order items are always sent as soon as they arrive at Hogan Model Store. However, please note that the estimated availability date for pre-order items is subject to change and can't be guaranteed.

Mixed Items
If your order contains both in stock items and pre-order items, we will hold your order and ship everything together when the pre-order items are available. If you would like to get the in stock items first, please place them in a separate order.

Customs and Import Taxes
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. Hogan Model Store is not responsible for delays due to customs.